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U.S. Marine Killed in Iraq Combat
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/28 15:17  新浪教育

  A U.S. Marine has been killed in Iraq,becoming the first reported combat death of the war, defense officials said Friday.


  The slain soldier, of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, was moving in the ground assault in southern Iraq, said Lt. Col. Neal Peckham, a British military spokesman in Kuwait.

  科威特的一名英国军队发言人Lt-Col-Neal Peckham称,这名美国海军陆战队的士兵是在伊拉克南部行进中被击毙的。

  Peckham said he had no further details.


  The incident came hours after eight British and four U.S. soldiers died in a U.S. Marine helicopter crash. A British military spokesman said the crash was an accident.


  American and British troops encountered both hostile fire and white flags in their race across the desert, with some 200 Iraqi soldiers surrendering to the U.S. 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit just over an hour after it crossed the border from northern Kuwait.


  Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said direct talks were taking place with Iraqi forces and it was possible the "full force and fury of a war" could be averted.

  美国国防部长Donald H-Rumsfeld称,正与伊拉克军方展开直接对话,以期能够避免“全面武力和硝烟的战争”。

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