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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 战争要持续多久6

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/05/06 14:38  新浪教育

  RO: Let's take a call, St. Paul, Minnesota(明尼苏达州) hello.

  CALLER: Thank you for taRO my call.

  RO: Sure.

  CALLER: Will we be seeing any humanitarian aid for the Iraqis coming out of Germany or France? (德国或者法国是否会给伊拉克人民提供人道主义援助?)

  RO: Paul, do you know anything? Do you know if Germany or France plan to get involved with aid(提供援助)?

  MARTIN: Well, there's no doubt that Germany and France have a great interest in trying to be seen to be doing things now since they made what was a controversial decision(有争议的反战决定) to oppose it and now they want to be seen to be involved(现在他们想卷入战后事宜。). The question is not whether they'll be sending aid. (问题不是他们将提供援助。) Undoubtedly(毫无疑问地) they will. The question is to what extent General Jay Garner and his men will be encouraging the Germans and the French to be involved(问题是Jay Garner将军在多大程度上鼓励德国和法国提供援助。). I think they will be pleased to have their humanitarian aid.

  【注】I don't have any money left, could you just give me some humanitarian aid?/我身上没钱了,你可否给我点人道主义援助?

  RO: Washington, D.C(来自华盛顿)., hello.

  CALLER: Yes, will the war be over and if Saddam's captured or found dead(战争是否已经结束,萨达姆是被抓了还是已经死了)? My personal opinion I think that he's sitting somewhere(我个人认为他正藏在某个地方。).

  RO: What's the question?

  CALLER: Will the war be over...

  RO: Oh.

  CALLER: ...if we capture Saddam (我们是否抓住了萨达姆)?

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