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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 360全景英语 > 一人做事一人当

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/17 10:07  世博英语



  1) You have to face the music alone.

  NOTE1:注意断句:you/have to/face the music/alone.

  NOTE2: It means that you have to be responsible for this alone.

  2) Keep your chin(下巴) up!

  NOTE1:注意keep your的连读;chin up的连读。

  NOTE2: It means that please cheer up!


  Susan didn't do well in the college entrance examination. She felt so bad. At this time, her father came to him and said, "You should have known about the result before you took the exam because you didn't study hard in your spare time. You have to face the music!" But her mother said to her, "Don't cry, my baby, you will do well if you stop hanging around with others. Keep your chin up!" After hearing this, she was inpired and made up her mind to try again.

  1) You have to face the music alone.你必须勇于承担责任!

  2) Keep your chin(下巴) up!振作一点!


  Here are three situations:

  S1. Tom was fired because he said some dirty words to his boss. When he came to you to ask for suggestions, what would you say to him?

  S2. Peter was in a bad mood because he heard that his favourite guitar was broken by someone. What can you say to him?

  S3. Jessie was sad about the result of CET4. She didn't pass even she had tried her best. What words can you say to her at this moment?


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