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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/03 10:24  世博英语



  'Saddam' denies in tape link to Najaf bombing

  2003-09-02 (HK Edition, )


  BAGHDAD: A new audio tape aired by the Qatar-based al-Jazeera satellite television station yesterday purporting to carry the voice of Saddam Hussein denied involvement in the bombing in Najaf that killed 125 people, including a cherished Shi'ite leader.


  【讲解】air,To be broadcast on television or radio:广播,在电视或收音机里广播。tidbits that will air on tonight's 6 o'clock news趣闻将要在今晚6点的新闻节目中播出。

  purport,To have or present the often false appearance of being or intending; profess:声称,冒充带有或提供与内容或意图相违背的外在表现。selfish behavior that purports to be altruistic.自称是利他主义的自私行为。

  Using Saddam's well-known rhetorical style, the voice urged the Iraqi people not to believe those who blamed the ousted dictator and his followers for Friday's attack on the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf."Many of you may have heard the snakes hissing, the servants of the invaders, occupiers, infidels, and how they have managed to accuse the followers of Saddam Hussein of responsibility for the attack on al-Hakim without any evidence," said the tape.


  【讲解】oust,To eject from a position or place, force out.驱逐,罢黜。驱逐出某一职位或地点、赶走。the American Revolution, which ousted the English将英国人驱逐出境的美国独立战争


  infidel,An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.异教徒,不信仰某一种宗教(尤指基督教或伊斯兰教)的人。

  It was impossible to immediately authenticate the tape. The CIA (news - web sites) said Monday it was reviewing the recording.



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