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英语辅导报小学教师版:A Teaching Plan
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/26 13:53  英语辅导报

  Teaching content:

  1. Four words: big, small, long, short.

  2. Sentence pattern: It has... It's so...

  Teaching aims and demands:

  1. Enable the students to understand and pronounce these four words.

  2. Enable the students to grasp the sentence pattern correctly.

  3. Enable the students to communicate with others under a certain scene.

  4. Develop their cooperative spirit.

  Key points:

  Enable the students to pronounce the words correctly and to grasp the sentence pattern.

  Difficult points:

  Students use the sentence pattern in their life skillfully.

  Teaching process:

  Step 1. Warming-up and Revision

  1. Let's do.


  2. Show out the toy animals and say.

  设计意图:通过引导孩子们展示自己的动物玩具,既复习了"Look. I have...and..."句型,又为下文"It has...and..."句型引出埋下伏笔。

  3. Let's sing: Head, shoulder, knees and toes. (CAI)


  Step 2. Presentation and practice

  A: The sentence pattern:-Look at the...It has...

  1. Let's watch it. (CAI)

  Cat: Meow, meow. Look at me. I have a mouth.

  Dog: Look at me. I have a nose.

  2. Introduction

  The four students are coming with the action from their seats. (S1: Act like a monkey. S2: Hunt like a mouse. S3: Jump like a rabbit. S4: Walk like an elephant.)

  T: They're our new friends. Can you introduce them?

  T: Look at the rabbit. It has a...

  设计意图:由媒体画面上小动物生动有趣的自我介绍,到由学生扮演的四种小动物真的来到学生中间,自然实现了从"Look at me. I have a..."到"Look at the...It has..."的巧妙过渡,体现教学情景化的特点。

  B: The sentence pattern:-Look at the...It has...It's so...

  1. Chant it and act.

  Look at the rabbit. It is fat.

  Look at the monkey. It is funny.

  Look at the elephant. It is big.

  Look at the mouse. It is small.

  设计意图:在复习chant的基础上引出词汇big, small,再配上动作加以表演,使意思一目了然。

  2. Let's go to the zoo. (CAI)

  1. Part A: Let's talk.

  2. Guess the riddle.

  设计意图:在初步掌握各语言知识点的基础上,让学生观看媒体Part A会话内容,使他们真正融入情景当中。而参观路上谜语障碍的设置更激起他们挑战的欲望,达到学以致用的目的,为本课掀起一个小小的高潮。

  Step 3. Consolidation and Extension-Group work

  1. Make it.

  Make a kind of animals with the pieces in each group. At the same time, everyone should describe the piece by himself.

  2. At the supermarket.

  S1: Hello, what would you like?

  S2: I like rabbits. It has long ears. It's so lovely.




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