新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英语辅导报社专栏 > 《英语辅导报》与2004年中考英语试题(六)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/04 15:22  英语辅导报




  Experts say that students usually need eight to ten hours' sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children study late. They will think their children work very hard. But not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still closed, begging for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of students “early birds” in China, he has to get up before six every morming.

  A report shows that without a good night's sleep, students seem to be weaker than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or paly the computer games late into the night.

  Experts have said that students should develop good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to work well in class.

  1. Experts have told us students should ________.

  A. get enough sleep B. not get enough sleep

  C. study late D. sleep less

  2. Many students have fallen asleep in class because ________.

  A. they have too much homework to do at night

  B. they watch TV late

  C. they play the computer games late into the night

  D. all of the above

  3. In the first paragraph “early birds” refers to people who ________.

  A. get to bed early B. get up early

  C. get to bed late D. get up late

  4. If students have not a good night's sleep, they seem to be ________.

  A. better B. stronger

  C. weaker D. thinner

  5. According to the experts, students should ________.

  A. develop good study habits

  B. work hard

  C. go to school before six

  D. come home late

  Key: 1—5 ADBCA



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