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Shangri-la dreaming
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/11/17 18:29  英语周报大学版

Shangri-la dreaming

  Along the adventure route from Zhongdian to Diqing in Shangri-la, there are plentiful cool things to see and i think the highlights including:

  Shangri-la Ancient Town: A significant outfitting station along the Tea-Horse Road(茶马古道). The Bars at the towns are good places for your night time.

  Songzanlin Monastery : The largest Tibetan Buddhism temple in the region which has been renowned as the lesser Potala Palace. The journey up the steps that lead to the main prayer hall can allow a brief experience of the hardship of the pilgrimage route that generations of Buddhists living on the highland take every year.

  Napa Lake: The place is the habitat of the rare black-necked crane.

  Benzi Lan Town: A vital stop on the Tea-Horse Road. The local Tibetan styled table and wooden bowl are masterpieces of the Tibetan art and crafts.

  Baima Pass of the Baima Snow Mountain: This is the highest point on the Yunnan-Tibet highway. You can get an amazing view of the snow-capped mountains from this point.

  Nixi Pottery Village: A small Tibetan village where many locals are engaged in the ancient art of making pottery. The locals build their own workshop.



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