周末影院:献给妈妈的十部催泪影片(图)黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark (2000)
黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark (2000) 导演: 拉斯·冯·提尔 编剧: 拉斯·冯·提尔 主演: 比约克 / 凯瑟琳·德纳芙 / 大卫·摩斯 / 彼得·斯特曼 / 乌多·奇尔 类型: 剧情 / 歌舞 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2000-09-08 在美国某个乡村工厂做工的捷克移民塞尔玛(比约克)天性善良,因患有先天性疾病,她的视线正日趋模糊。为了不让遗传了该病的儿子也将宿命继承,塞尔玛每日做工都很辛苦,不知情的好友兼同事林达(凯萨琳·丹妮芙)因心疼而好言相劝时,她总是报一微笑,因为她还有另一个纯粹属于音乐的世界,其间的美好与安静,足以抵挡现实的心酸与艰难。令她欣慰的是,在眼睛要彻底变瞎之前,基本筹齐了儿子手术所需的费用,然而就在此时,意外发生,她的命运被加速推向复杂悲惨的境地。 经典台词: Jeff: [referring to Gene] Why did you have him? You knew he would have the same disease as you。 Selma: I just wanted to hold a little baby in my arms. Selma: You like the movies, don't you? Bill Houston: I love the movies. I just love the musicals. Selma: But isn't it annoying when they do the last song in the films? Bill Houston: Why? Selma: Because you just know when it goes really big... and the camera goes like out of the roof... and you just know it's going to end. I hate that. I would leave just after the next to last song... and the film would just go on forever. 换子疑云 Changeling (2008)
换子疑云 Changeling (2008) 导演: 克林特·伊斯特伍德 编剧: J·迈克尔·斯特拉辛斯基 主演: 安吉丽娜·朱莉 / 盖特林·格里菲斯 / Michelle Gunn / 约翰·马尔科维奇 / 科鲁姆·费奥瑞 / 杰弗里·多诺万 类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 语言: 英语 / 葡萄牙语 上映日期: 2008-10-31 1928年美国洛杉矶,在电话局接线台工作的克莉斯汀·柯林斯(Angelina Jolie 安吉莉娜·朱丽 饰)独自抚养儿子沃特(Gattlin Griffith 加特林·格里菲斯 饰),母子的生活简单而幸福。然而她们的生活很快被打乱,某天当克莉斯汀下班后,发现儿子不见踪影。 在公众的舆论压力下,腐败的洛杉矶警方于5个月后找回沃特,但克莉斯汀发现这并非自己的亲生儿子。她三番五次要求警方澄清事实,帮其寻找真正的沃特,却一次次受到阻挠和指责,甚至以妨碍警方公务的罪名被送入精神病院。一向以揭露警方暴行为己任的牧师古斯塔夫·布里格拉伯(John Malkovich 约翰·马尔科维奇 饰),为了这个可怜女人的不幸遭遇奔走呼告。 另一方面,探员莱斯特(Michael Kelly 饰)在侦办一件偷渡案时,无意中发现了一起重大的连环儿童杀人案。少年沃特的失踪案似乎渐露眉目…… 经典台词: Christine Collins: I used to tell Walter, "Never start a fight... but always finish it." I didn't start this fight... but by God, I'm going to finish it. Christine Collins: Three boys made a run for it that night, detective, and if one got out, then may be either or both of the other two did too. Maybe Walter's out there having the same fears that he did. Afraid to come home and identify himself, or afraid to get in trouble. But either way, it gives me something I didn't have before today. Detective Lester Ybarra: What's that? Christine Collins: Hope. 心火 Firelight (1997)
心火 Firelight (1997) 导演: William Nicholson 编剧: William Nicholson 主演: 苏菲·玛索 / 斯蒂芬·迪兰 / 凯文·安德森 / 乔斯·雅克兰德 类型: 爱情 / 剧情 语言: 英语 / 法语 上映日期: 1999-12-02 伊丽莎白(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)和英国贵族查理(斯蒂芬·迪兰 Stephen Dillane 饰)之间有一个不可告人的交易——她给他三个晚上,为他生下孩子,然后安静地离开。查理给了伊丽莎白一笔钱用以还清她父亲的债务。伊丽莎白按照约定,诞下女儿露易莎。但7年来她心火不灭——她记挂着女儿,每个女儿的生日,她都在画簿上写画心事。同时令她念念不忘的,还有当时与查理之间若有若无的感情。 她来到查理家,要当露易莎的家庭老师,查理惊恐要她赶出家门,最终只答应给她一个月教导调皮的女儿。露易莎慢慢被调教得有了修养,而伊丽莎白也与查理旧情复燃。 在已经变成植物人的妻子和伊丽莎白之间,查理将如何选择? 经典台词: Elisabeth: What do you do out there? Louisa: If you ever go out there, I'll kill you! I'll murder you! Elisabeth: How? Louisa: I'll stab you in the heart! Elisabeth: Yes, that would do it. Louisa: It would! You'd be dead. Elisabeth: You'd have to bury me. Louisa: I wouldn't. I'd just leave you there! Elisabeth: I'd rot. I'd smell。 Louisa: Serve you right! Elisabeth: Do you know about Firelight? Louisa: What about it? Elisabeth: It's a kind of magic. Firelight makes time stand still. When you put out the lamps and sit in the firelight's glow there aren't any rules any more. [blows out lamp] Elisabeth: You can do what you want, say what you want, be what you want, and when the lamps are lit again, time starts again, and everything you said or did is forgotten. More than forgotten it never happened. 芳心天涯 Anywhere But Here (1999)
芳心天涯 Anywhere But Here (1999) 导演: 王颖 编剧: Alvin Sargent 主演: 娜塔丽·波特曼 / 苏珊·萨兰登 / Hart Bochner / Eileen Ryan 类型: 喜剧 / 剧情 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1999-11-12 萨兰登饰演乖戾、自我的母亲,整天幻想搬离乏味的威斯康辛老家到贝佛利山庄去。波曼饰演的妙龄女儿比母亲理性得多,常常点醒老妈的白日梦。母亲按捺不住欲念,终于拉着女儿上路寻梦。在疯狂的旅程中,母女二人从各自的角度深谙了生活之道。 王颍为拍此戏准备了十年,剧本动了不下十次手术才告完成。萨兰登和波曼戏外培育了深厚的感情,演起母女来得心应手。不过,她们也不是无懈可击:萨兰登演惯泼辣女人,深层次的苦情戏对她来说便有些勉为其难;少不经事的波曼面临的挑战则是如何淋漓尽致地展示人物盛怒时的状态。此外,由于波曼父母的强烈反对,女儿的一场暴露戏也做了含蓄处理。 经典台词: Annie: That summer I turned seventeen... and started planning my escape. Ann: You don't have a job in the Los Angeles school district. Adele: I have an interview, and a great outfit. Ann: I hate the Beach Boys!... They're too happy and sunny! Ann: This is like being kidnapped, you don't understand that do you? Adele: I wish someone had kidnapped me when I was your age Ann: So do I Adele: [to Ann] Providence, Rhode Island? Couldn't you have gotten any farther away from me? 眼前的生活 The Life Before Her Eyes (2007)
眼前的生活 The Life Before Her Eyes (2007) 导演: Vadim Perelman 编剧: Emil Stern 主演: 乌玛·瑟曼 / 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 / 伊娃·阿穆里 / Ted Yudain / Emily Rose Branigan 类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2007-09-08 谁都有过年少轻狂的时候,张扬着青春,还会对等待露出不耐烦的表情……就像黛安娜,一个身上永远都散发着熄不灭的热情的高中女孩,喜欢幻想,冲动加狂野,她已经等不及想要开始自由自在的我的妈妈生活了。在美妙的春天消磨着高中最后的一段时光,黛安娜不停地用性爱和毒品刺激着那已经被过度透支了的身体,完全不理会她那相对保守的好友莫琳无助却担心的目光。然而,黛安娜那种永不言败的激情,却因为一场发生在校园里的枪击暴力事件而被击的粉碎,两个好朋友的一生都在这一刻被迫改变。 15年后,已经步入而立之年的黛安娜仍然在尝试着忘记那个命中注定的日子里所发生的极具伤害性的可怕遭遇……表面上,成年后的黛安娜为自己营造了一幅美好的田园生活风景画:她仍然居住在康涅狄格州恬静的郊外--那个生她养她的地方,和当地大学的一位名叫保罗的教授结了婚,并共同孕育了一个美丽的小女儿艾玛。艾玛聪明且非常具有创新精神,那小模样像极了黛安娜小时候。看着女儿的小脸蛋,黛安娜总是忍不住陷入深沉的回忆而不自觉。 现实远没有表相那般美好,尤其是当她在少女时代所经历的那场惨剧的15周年纪念日一天天临近之时,黛安娜一直试图逃开的黑暗再次将她笼罩……她的丈夫保罗越来越不着家,艾玛又养成了喜欢对老师说谎的坏毛病--最最糟糕的是,黛安娜握在手中、自以为是的真相,也开始慢慢现出它本来的面目。 经典台词: Paul McFee: William James, that most American philosopher, once advised: "begin to be now what you will be hereafter". One might ask how? Our deepest guide in our beginning to be, is our imagination. Our ability to project, and mold our future selves from the myriad possibilities before us. And to imagine takes courage and effort. But it gives us hope too, hope that we can author our own destinies, hope that rightness of the decisions we make now will be borne out in the future. As much as we can be overwhelmed by the world, we can also draw hope from it. From beauty, from promise, from the simple fact that we have the talent to imagine our future selves from all the possible lives that pass before our eyes. We must imagine our lives well. We must engage our conscience. Conscience is the voice of God in the nature and heart of man. 网友评论