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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:24  新浪教育

  Teacher's Guide & Activity


  Ask students what they already know about Greece. List these facts on the blackboard.

  Using a Map

  No place in Greece is more than 60 miles from the ocean. Using a wall map,have students locate and name the seas that surround Greece and its 9 841 islands. What countries are closest to Greece?


  Become familiar with Greek music by listening to the music of Mikis Theodorakis. His most famous composit
ion is probably the soundtrack from the movie "Zorba the Greek." World famous singer Nana Mouskouri sings in many languages, but her most famous folk songs are sung in her native language, Greek.

  It's Greek to Me!

  Using the Greek alphabet, write your name and address, or the name of your school.

  Reading Comprehension

  In what way are the following people connected to the Olympic Games?

  Coroebus, Pheidippides, Baron Pierre de Coubertin

  What is the motto of the modern Olympic Games?

  What were the ideals that Baron de Coubertin had for young athletes when he restarted the games in 1887?

  What are the main agricultural products grown by the Greeks? What product is most suited to Greece's rocky, mountainous soil?

  Why are a great many Greeks involved with the sea? In what way are they involved?


  Democracy originated in Greece. Through research, locate other things that originated in Greece.

  What words do we use today that are based on Greek words? Television is one example. The word "Nike" comes from Greek Mythology.

  Greek mythology is an important part of Greek culture. Have students work in pairs to research the following mythical heroes, gods, and goddesses:

  Jason, Odysseus, Achilles, Heracles, Agamemnon, Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hera, Hermes, Ares, Artemis, Theseus

  Students could then present their findings to the class.

  Creative Writing

  Using their research from the previous activity, have the pairs of students write short plays which illustrate the life and adventures of the hero, god, or goddess they selected. Some of these could then be performed.


  abbot 男修道院院长或大寺


  aboriginal 土著(的)

  assimilate 吸收,同化

  autonomous 自治的,自发的

  caique (地中海)轻帆船

  chasm 大分歧;(时间的)间歇

  democracy 民主

  discus 铁饼

  drachma 德拉克马(前希腊货 币单位)

  excavation 开凿,发掘

  hieroglyphics 象形文字

  macaroni 通心粉,通心面

  marathon 马拉松

  meditation 沉思,冥想

  minority 少数民族

  monastery 修道院

  mosque 清真寺

  oracle 神谕;圣贤

  ouzo 大茴香烈酒

  pentathlon (古希腊奥林匹克运动


  pilgrim 朝圣者

  polis (古希腊)城邦

  refectory (修道院、学校等的)


  wrestle 摔跤

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