
Dull at the Top 榜首的强队表现贫贫

Manchester City play Arsenal
Robinho scored one goal but had a back-heel effort disallowed
It was a disappointing weekend for the 'big four' teams at the top of the Premiership with goalless draws for Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool, while Arsenal suffered a humbling defeat 令人羞辱的惨败 to Manchester City, losing 3-0.

Manchester City’s Brazilian striker Robinho continued to look worth every penny of the £32.5 million (332m yuan) City paid for him in the summer, chipping 挑射 the Arsenal keeper delightfully to get City’s second goal.

And it is not just Robinho’s finishing that is pleasing City manager Mark Hughes. The striker’s work rate 工作效率 is also impressive.

Having returned to Brazil on Wednesday to help his national squad to a 6-2 thrashing 惨败 of Portugal, he was ready to deliver the goods 完成任务 for his club on Saturday.

Hard work
 He puts a stint in and that’s what you have to do in the Premier League. You have to dig in and work hard for your team-mates.
Mark Hughes, Manchester City manager

Boss Mark Hughes gave credit 表扬 to Robinho for the effort he has put in this week.

"He could have put his hand up at half-time and said, 'Listen boss, I’m absolutely knackered 精疲力尽的.' But he’s not prepared to do that," said Hughes.

"He puts a stint in and that’s what you have to do in the Premier League. You have to dig in," Hughes continued.

The phrase 'to put a stint in' means to do a session of hard work, while the phrase 'to dig in' means to find reserves of strength inside yourself even when you are tired and under pressure.

Arsene Wenger, the Arsenal manager, was later accused of being ungracious 十分失礼的 when he said the result flattered 夸大其真实水平 Manchester City, meaning the score made City seem a better team than they really are.

No future?
 Of course he has a future at the club, but the less we talk the better it is. We can change a captain without having to make a political issue of it.
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager

That result leaves Arsenal’s chances of winning the Premiership looking increasingly unlikely, especially as their next league game is away to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

Internal strife 内讧 has also been taking its toll 制造不良影响 within the Arsenal squad. Defender William Gallas was stripped of the captaincy 免去队长一职 and left out of the squad for Saturday’s game after criticising team-mates publicly on Friday.

Gallas’s future at Arsenal looked shaky 摇摆不定的 over the weekend but he was thrown a lifeline 被给予了一次机会 later when Wenger told reporters that Gallas might play against Dynamo Kiev in the Champions League on Tuesday.

Arsene Wenger hinted that Gallas may be able to keep his place in the team when he spoke to the BBC.

"Of course he has a future at the club, but the less we talk the better it is," said Wenger.

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