

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月23日 15:16   新浪教育

  (49) Did you applied for the ** University?(你丈夫或妻子的大学)

  No, I havn’t. *** University is not so good as Carnegie Mellon University in the area of Public Policy and Management.

  (50) Have you applied for the F-two visa? Why didn’t you apply for the F-two visa last year?

  No, I havn’t. I did want to see my dear *** , but I wanted to finish my Master’s program first, which I promised and I enjoyed.

  (51) Will your husband(wife )change to Carnegie Mellon University?

  No.I understand him/her.We do want to live together, but he/she will finish hi s/her doctoral program first, which he/she has promised and loves very much.


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