

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月26日 13:15   新浪教育
Bond International College
British Columbia Centre for International Education (BCCIE)
Bronte College of Canada
Burnaby School District #41
Camosun College
Canada International College
Cape Breton University
Capilano University
Centennial College of Applied Arts & Technology
Central Okanagan Public School District #23
Columbia International College of Canada
CultureWorks at Western and UOIT
Delta School District
District of West Vancouver
Edmonton Public Schools
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts & Technology
Grant MacEwan University College
Greater Victoria School District
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
Kennedy College of Technology
King George International College (KGIC)
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
LaSalle College International
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Nancy Campbell Collegiate Institute
New Westminster School District
Okanagan College
Royal Crown Academic School, Royal Crown College
Saint Mary's University
Saskatoon Public Schools
School District #43 (Coquitlam)
School District #64 Gulf Islands
School District #71 (Comox Valley)
Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology
Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Sprott-Shaw Community College
TAIE International Institute
The Great Lakes College of Toronto
The University of British Columbia
Thompson Rivers University-TRU
University Canada West
University of Alberta
University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)
University of Prince Edward Island
University of Saskatchewan
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Mathematics
University Preparatory Academy
Vancouver Island University
Vancouver School Board
Yukon College
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