

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月26日 14:25   新浪教育
Abbey DLD Group of Colleges
Aston University
Bangor University
Bellerbys College
Birmingham City University
Birmingham Matthew Boulton College
Bosworth Independent College
Brunel University
Cambridge Education Group
Castle College Nottingham
Chinese Student-SR Media
City of Bristol College
De Montfort University
Durham University
Edinburgh College of Art
EF Brittin College
European Business School London (Regent's College)
Goldsmiths, University of London
Grafton College of Management Sciences
Hult International Business School
King's College London
Kingston University London
Lincoln College
London School of Commerce
Loughborough University
Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Notre Dame Sixth Form College
Queen Mary, University of London
Queen's University Belfast
Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
Roehampton University
Royal Holloway, University of London
Sheffield Hallam University
St John's College, Cardiff
Staffordshire University
Studies and Careers
The Glasgow School of Art
The School of Pharmacy, University of London
UK Boarding Schools
University College Birmingham
University for the Creative Arts
University of Bradford
University of Buckingham
University of Central Lancashire
University of East Anglia
University of East London
University of Essex
University of Hull
University of Kent
University of Leeds
University of Leicester
University of Liverpool
University of Northampton
University of Nottingham
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
University of Reading
University of Salford
University of Southampton
University of St. Andrews
University of Sussex
University of Teesside
University of the Arts London
University of Ulster
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
University of Warwick
University of Westminster, London
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