

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年05月25日 17:17   大学导航网



Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Alexandria,VA
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Alexandria,VA

  1 Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Alexandria,VA

Oxford Academy Cypress, CA
Oxford Academy Cypress, CA

  2 Oxford Academy Cypress, CA

Pacific Collegiate Charter Santa Cruz, CA
Pacific Collegiate Charter Santa Cruz, CA

  3 Pacific Collegiate Charter Santa Cruz, CA

High Technology High School Lincroft, NJ
High Technology High School Lincroft, NJ

  4 High Technology High School Lincroft, NJ

Design and Architectural Senior High Miami, FL
Design and Architectural Senior High Miami, FL

  5 Design and Architectural Senior High Miami, FL

International Academy Bloomfield Hills, MI
International Academy Bloomfield Hills, MI

  6 International Academy Bloomfield Hills, MI

International Baccalaureate School at BHS Bartow, FL
International Baccalaureate School at BHS Bartow, FL

  7 International Baccalaureate School at BHS Bartow, FL

Preuss School UCSD La Jolla, CA
Preuss School UCSD La Jolla, CA

  8 Preuss School UCSD La Jolla, CA

Academic Magnet High School No. Charleston, SC
Academic Magnet High School No. Charleston, SC

  9 Academic Magnet High School No. Charleston, SC

Gretchen Whitney High Cerritos, CA
Gretchen Whitney High Cerritos, CA

  10 Gretchen Whitney High Cerritos, CA

  11 Pine View School Osprey, FL

  12 Maine School of Science & Math Limestone, ME

  13 Basis Tucson Tucson, AZ

  14 International School Bellevue, WA

  15 Ridgeview Classical Charter Schools Fort Collins, CO

  16 Benjamin Franklin Senior High School New Orleans, LA

  17 Early College at Guilford Greensboro, NC

  18 School of Science & Engineering Dallas, TX

  19 Idea College Preparatory Donna, TX

  20 Raleigh Charter High Raleigh, NC

  21 Lennox Mathematics, Science, and Technology Academy Lennox, CA

  22 University High School Tucson, AZ

  23 Stuyvesant High School New York, NY

  24 International Community School Kirkland, WA

  25 Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School Montgomery, AL                               

  26 California Academy of Mathematics and Science Carson, CA     

  27 Boston Latin Boston, MA          

  28 School for the Talented and Gifted Dallas, TX   

  29 High School of American Studies at Lehman College Bronx, NY 

  30 Hume Fogg Magnet High School Nashville, TN

  31 Dual Language and Asian Studies High School New York, NY    

  32 Staten Island Technical High School Staten Island, NY   

  33 Bronx High School of Science School Bronx, NY     

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