

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月04日 15:21   新浪教育

  66    Hertfordshire

  =66  De Montfort

  68    Gloucestershire

  69    Sheffield Hallam

  70    Brighton

  71    Coventry

  =71  Bedfordshire

  73    Winchester

  74    Staffordshire

  =74  Bath Spa

  76    UWIC Cardiff

  77    Birmingham City

  78    Central Lancashire

  79    Lampeter

  80    York St John

  81    Worcester

  =81  Teesside

  83    Cumbria

  84    Salford

  =84  Sunderland

  86    Lincoln

  87    Huddersfield

  88    Edge Hill

  89    Kingston

  90    Manchester Metropolitan

  91    Chester

  92    Roehampton

  =92  Northampton

  94    Glamorgan

  95    Abertay

  96    University of the Arts London

  97    Glyndwr

  98    Canterbury Christ Church

  99    Liverpool John Moores

  100  Westminster

  101  Leeds Metropolitan

  102  Wolverhampton

  103  Anglia Ruskin

  104  Derby

  105  Middlesex

  106  Greenwich

  107  UWCN Newport

  108  Bolton

  =108  East London

  110  Thames Valley

  111  Southampton Solent

  112  Buckinghamshire New

  113  London South Bank

  114  University for the Creative Arts

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