66 Hertfordshire
=66 De Montfort
68 Gloucestershire
69 Sheffield Hallam
70 Brighton
71 Coventry
=71 Bedfordshire
73 Winchester
74 Staffordshire
=74 Bath Spa
76 UWIC Cardiff
77 Birmingham City
78 Central Lancashire
79 Lampeter
80 York St John
81 Worcester
=81 Teesside
83 Cumbria
84 Salford
=84 Sunderland
86 Lincoln
87 Huddersfield
88 Edge Hill
89 Kingston
90 Manchester Metropolitan
91 Chester
92 Roehampton
=92 Northampton
94 Glamorgan
95 Abertay
96 University of the Arts London
97 Glyndwr
98 Canterbury Christ Church
99 Liverpool John Moores
100 Westminster
101 Leeds Metropolitan
102 Wolverhampton
103 Anglia Ruskin
104 Derby
105 Middlesex
106 Greenwich
107 UWCN Newport
108 Bolton
=108 East London
110 Thames Valley
111 Southampton Solent
112 Buckinghamshire New
113 London South Bank
114 University for the Creative Arts