

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年07月20日 09:59   新浪教育


  澳大利亚《澳大利亚人报》6月1日发表Simon Canning的文章,题目是Marketers fail to understand effect of Chinese symbols,摘要如下(原文附后):






  Marketers fail to understand effect of Chinese symbols

  Simon Canning

  AUSTRALIAN companies seeking to tap into the vast Chinese market may be setting themselves up for disaster by failing to understand the impact of symbols in their marketing。

  Lisa Scharoun, a senior lecturer with Deakin University in Melbourne, said that after working for three years in China she could see how Western-style advertising was completely at odds with Chinese culture。

  Ms Scharoun said marketers were continually guilty of misusing culturally significant symbols。

  Australian advertising agencies contracted by Chinese firms to give their marketing a Western flavour were often creating ads wrong for the Chinese。

  In one major example, marketers had used dragons as sinister, frightening figures in marketing, but that was completely at odds with the Chinese perception of the mythical beast。

  "It's a bit like presenting a kangaroo as an evil protagonist to an Australian audience," she said. "The Western interpretation of a dragon as an evil demon doesn't work in China because, while dragons are highly significant to the Chinese and are seen to possess great power, they are considered to be good-natured."

  The graphic designer and artist has warned that with entry into China an increasingly important growth strategy, advertising agencies and marketers needed to understand the implications of Western-style ads。

  She said Australian advertisers could easily follow in the tracks of major marketers such as Nike, which used evil dragons, and Toyota。

  In its failed Chinese ads Toyota had promoted its Prado vehicles with Chinese lions bowing down to them. "The lion is a powerful symbol of China and the Prado is a Japanese car and for the lion to be seen to be bowing to a Japanese car was very offensive to the Chinese."

  Ms Scharoun said with more and more Australian designers and creatives doing work destined for China, the sensitivities needed to be learned early。

  "It's very important that design students are given the opportunity to gain an understanding of the complexities surrounding advertising in China."

  Another hurdle was the way in which research was interpreted in China。

  "Often an advertising agency or company will take a strategy that works well in the West and try to use it in China without researching whether it is suitable for that market。

  "In the West there is an individual mindset whereas in mainland China there is more of a collective mindset, so if you were to run a focus group participants are less likely to express their own feelings."

  Such an approach has been more recently seen in the area of high fashion, where marketers have used Western models and motifs, often failing to understand the use of Western models communicated a disconnection with China。

  She said companies had to understand that the Chinese market had only been exposed to Western-style marketing for barely 20 years, while the DNA of 1000 years of culture remained active。

  "It is easy to use something from a Chinese proverb in your marketing, but it is even easier to get the meaning of it wrong."


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