

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月05日 13:52   新浪教育



  不知从何时起,“gay”的含义不仅仅是单纯的“快乐、高兴”了。早在18世纪,人们就用“gay”形容放荡不羁的人或者伤风败俗的场所。1800年,“gay house”是妓院的代名词。到了1920年,美国现代派作家格特鲁德•斯坦和剧作家诺埃尔•科沃德,在散文中开始用“gay”影射“同性恋”,但对文学圈子以外的人,这样的用法还很陌生。1938年,电影《育婴奇谭》正式把“gay=同性恋”的概念介绍给大部分美国人。在某段场景中,卡莱•葛伦被凯瑟琳•赫本劫持为人质,凯瑟琳•赫本把他所有的衣服都送到了洗衣店,她找了一件女人的衣服为他蔽体。后来,卡莱•葛伦穿着女人的服装去为来访者开门。面对对方惊讶的表情,他连忙解释说“没什么好奇怪的,我只是突然之间变成了gay(同性恋)”。










  Class Name 101

  The first recorded use of an introductory class being designated as “101” was in a University of Buffalo course catalog dated 1929. However, it wasn’t until the early 1930s—when students started regarding a university degree as a means to a better job and schools added more specialized classes to their curriculum—that universities in the U.S. started using digits to identify their courses. Students were also traveling further afield after graduation in search of work, so it became important for a potential employer to be able to compare candidates: Was a passing grade in Cost Accounting 203 at Kent State the same as one in Business Accounting 4 at the University of Michigan?

  Eventually, colleges started using a more uniform three-digit designation, in which the first digit indicated the academic level (1=Freshman, 2=Sophomore, etc。). The second digit usually represented a department (English, Science, etc。) and the third the level of the class within the department. These were not hard and fast rules, and still vary from school to school. However, as the three-digit system became more commonplace, it seemed that “101” always represented a basic beginning course, no matter what the discipline. By the late 1960s, the phrase was starting to enter the vernacular at large, outside of the collegiate realm。

  Telephone Entertainment

  Which came first, 1-800-PARTYON or 976-BABE? Actually, when telephone entertainment started out, it was geared toward lonely people seeking spiritual fulfillment rather than frisky young singles. On Thanksgiving Eve 1955, Rev. R.R. Schwambach, the pastor of Bethel Tabernacle Church in Evansville, Indiana, rented a grey, typewriter-sized machine from Indiana Bell. He recorded a 43-second non-denominational prayer and hooked the gadget up to the church’s telephone. An article in the November 23, 1955, edition of the Evansville Courier printed the phone number for “Dial-a-Prayer” and explained that folks feeling the need of comfort and inspiration could call at any hour, day or night. Rev. Schwambach thought he’d leave the machine up for the duration of the holiday weekend, but the service proved to be so popular (the phone company reported a backlog of some 5,000 calls and ordered the church to install additional lines) that he continued to record a new message every day. Similar services started popping up first at other churches in Indiana, then across the country。

  Wet T-Shirt Contest

  The first wet T-shirt contest wasn’t held in some tropical sunny clime; it took place in January at a ski resort in Idaho. In 1969, a sales rep for a company called K2 hired a filmmaker to shoot some footage of professional skiers “hotdogging” on the slopes in Sun Valley. The 12-minute film was used as a promotional tool to sell K2’s new line of skis, and the distributors loved it. They clamored for a new film the next year, and the next. In January 1971, production on the third film was wrapping up when a K2 rep informed the filmmaker that the following week was “airline week” at Sun Valley, and gave him 200 K2 T-shirts to give away to the stewardesses (as they were still called at the time) who would be attending. Officials got together and decided to award a prize to whomever looked the “best” in a T-shirt。

  After a few rounds of drinks, they decided to add a degree of “difficulty” to the contest—the ladies would have to dive into the resort’s heated pool clad in the shirt, and extra points would be awarded if she did so sans brassiere. Not surprisingly, the event was a roaring success. K2 staged a similar event later that year at the Red Onion in Aspen, and that time Playboy had photographers on the sidelines. Many of the participants were later featured in a full-color spread。


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