Delicious Dishes: Bread and Butter Pudding 面包黄油布丁

A delicious dessert made with simple ingredients.
Programme Introduction 节目简介
在吃完正餐以后,来一份面包黄油布丁,这对很多英国人来说就是一顿晚餐的完美结束。这道简单甜点起源于17世纪,这么多年来原材料和烹饪方式也一直没有改变过。在本期节目中苏格兰厨师 Dave Aspin 将为大家讲解怎样自己动手做一盘美味可口的 bread and butter pudding.
Bread and butter pudding is enjoyed by many people in the UK. This classic dessert has its origins in the 17th century. In today's programme, Chef Dave Aspin shows us how to make this simple dish in the comfort of our homes with easily accessible ingredients.