Young Britons - Saqib 英国年轻人 Saqib
What does it mean to be young and British?
Saqib Pervaiz is born and bred British. But he feels very close to his Pakistani roots. Family ties are important to him as well as a strong work ethic. So how does Saqib bring together both his British and South East Asian heritages?
Join Saqib as he takes us on a short tour of his world.
在本期介绍英国年轻人生活的节目中,我们的采访对象 Saqib Pervaiz 祖籍巴基斯坦,他虽然在英国长大,但他对自己的民族感情极深。身为英籍巴基斯坦人,家住伦敦的 Saqib 生活又别有一番乐趣。