
Sound Recordist 音画英国:录音师的一天

Ian Rawes

Ian likes to record in the early morning in London.


The Sounds of Britain is a series of audio programmes presenting a vivid picture of Britain through different kinds of sound. We hope you will enjoy the beautiful natural sounds, romantic music and authentic English in these programmes and use them to gain a better understanding of British culture.

Ian Rawes 是伦敦的一位录音师。他希望用自己录制的声音来描绘一幅伦敦的声音地图。他为何钟情于录音工作? 它又从录音过程中得到什么样的乐趣?欢迎收听今天的节目。

Well I go home in the evening and I spend a long time listening to what I have recorded. And I must say that I'm not usually happy with most of what I have recorded. You have to decide what to get rid of. And it is like panning for gold, you have to look through a lot of gravel to find some small pieces of gold.

Ian Rawes

I'll tell you one good thing is that recording the sounds of an event or a place is a very good way to aid your memory later on. When you hear a good recording of a place, it recreates the sense of being there very vividly. I think it does it better than a photograph, because it immerses you in the original situation.

Ian Rawes


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