Polite requests 礼貌请求

Anna catches Mr Ingle smoking a cigarette

Episode 22 – The smoker 吸烟者

Anna is off to meet Mr Ingle, the warehouse manager, to discuss stock management. She’s worried he might bite her head off!

But when she gets there she’s surprised to see him doing something dangerous and illegal and it’s up to her to sort it out. What will she say?


Anna 用的是哪个词表示把烟熄灭?

Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on politely asking a member of your team not to do something.

Phrases from the programme: 本期节目中出现的表达和短语:

Would you mind not doing that please?

I’m afraid it’s against company policy.

I’m afraid it’s not permitted.

Sorry to have to ask you this but…

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