Stepping aside 从权威地位退下

Denise, Anna and Tom

Who sent Anna the flowers?

Episode 60: Language related to getting the sack 与裁员有关的语言表达:

The team from Tip Top Trading has been having a smashing time at the launch of its plastic aubergine. Tom threw one at Dave from the IT department, but it missed him and went through a window! It's time for Paul to hand out some harsh words but he's about to hear some words he won't like.


你觉得是谁给 Anna 送的花儿?

Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on the language you may hear used to do with people losing their job - or getting the sack.

Phrases from the programme:

I've been doing a strategic review of the company. 我在审查公司的经营策略。

I need to downsize. 我需要缩小公司的规模。

I need you to step aside. 我需要你让位。

The company needs a new direction and more dynamic leadership. 公司需要全新的发展方向和更有活力的领导层。

You are surplus to requirement. 你的技能将不再需要。

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