Eating humble pie 屈尊

Paul, Anna and Tom

Who is going to call Denise?

Episode 54: Language to use when you need to stand your ground 据理力争用语:

There is chaos at the offices of Tip Top Trading. Now Denise has left the company, the place is a mess and important phone messages are being lost. What can be done to make things better? I think we know the answer!


Paul 对 Denise 说他一直在重新思考什么?

Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use when you are asked to do something that isn't your responsibility:

Phrases from the programme:

You're the boss and I think the news is better coming from you. 你是老板,最好是从你亲自出面。你还可以提醒他。

It was your decision so you need to explain the situation. 当初的决定是你做了,现在你需要对此做出解释。别忘了提醒他。

This is your responsibility. 这是你的责任。你可以建议他这么说。

I'm sorry, I made a mistake and we would love to have you back. 对不起是我做错了决定,现在我们都希望你能回来。

And here are some phrases your boss might use to apologise:

I've been rethinking our staffing situation in the office. 我一直在重新思考办公室的人员配置问题

Sorry, I made a mistake. I miscalculated my staffing numbers. 对不起是我的错,我错估了人员配备

I would love to have you back in the office. 我非常希望你能回公司来。

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