To show you the ropes 教你一些窍门


Does Denise know how to be a Sales Executive?

Episode 55: Language for telling someone what to do 在教某人学做某事时的用语:

Paul, the boss, was a little hasty in getting rid of Denise so now he's asked her back but she's negotiated some new conditions which includes learning how to be a Sales Executive. But who's going to show her the ropes?



Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use when you are teaching a new colleague how to do your job.

Phrases from the programme:

Let me show you the ropes. 我来教你几招。

Watch what I do for a while. 你看一会儿我怎么做。

Why don't you make a start on this? 你干嘛不开始动手试一试呢?

I'm here to help, so please ask me if you need to know what to do. 我就是来帮忙的,如果你有什么问题尽管问。

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