Words for an emergency 遇到紧急情况时使用的短语

Tom from English at Work rescuing somebody from a fire

Episode 24 - No smoke without fire 无火不成烟

There is panic at Tip Top Trading. Everyone has evacuated the offices following a fire alarm and Anna has to take charge. Is this a real fire emergency or just a drill? Can anything get any worse? Well, possibly, especially when a man from America turns up unexpectedly.

Glossary 词汇


Tom 把什么人扛出大楼?


This week's programme focuses on more important phrases to use when there is a fire emergency at work.

Phrases from the programme: 本期节目中出现的表达和短语:

There's no need to panic.

Please leave the building and meet outside.

Use the stairs not the lift.

Is anybody missing?

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