
Acting All Weird 表现反常

Hello. I saw a sentence that said "if he is acting all weird, he's hiding something." What do the words in this sentence all mean?

From Chen Li, Shanghai

This week's question is about some English words and phrases that describe someone's behaviour. In particular 'acting all weird' and 'hiding something'. This first term relates to someone who's behaving out of character or just not being themselves. The phrase acting all weird is a very informal and slightly rude way of saying someone's actions are not as they normally are.

The second term describes someone who maybe trying to keep a secret or they are concealing their emotions. Their behaviour makes you suspicious. They are not literally hiding an object, it's more about them disguising some information or their feelings.


Is she acting weird?

Join Rob and Feifei on Question and Answer of the Week for more examples and to hear other phrases that mean the same thing.

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