
American English Words: Clothes 美国英语词语:衣着

Hi BBC, I like your question and answer programme. I have a question too. Americans use different words from the British such as eggplant and aubergine or fall and autumn. Could you make a summary? Thanks.

Simon from Nanjing

Last week Li looked at some words related to food and drink that are different in American English and British English.

This week Natalie and Feifei discuss words related to clothes.

It's a fun packed programme as there is even a catwalk in the studio and there are some special models ready to strut their stuff.

Listen out for these words in the programme:

Prince William

Prince William looks good in his waistcoat - or should it be vest?







Listen to the programme to find out which are American English and which are British English.

If you have a question you would like to ask our team, email us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.

We might make a programme about your question.

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