Buzz 一词的多种含义

"Today I have watched a video on BBC UK China. In the video Usain Bolt says "London is a buzz all around the world" and I can't figure out what the word "buzz" means – can you explain?"


The word 'buzz' describes the sound made by bees or other flying insects.

But did you know that the word 'buzz' can also describe something that is exciting?

For example, you might hear someone talking about their holidays:

I tried bungee jumping for the first time - it was such a buzz!

If a social occasion is lively, you might say it is "buzzing":

There were 50,000 people at the gig - it was really buzzing!

In today's Question and Answer of the Week, Jennifer and Helen talk about the different uses of the word 'buzz' - with some interruptions from a rather unwelcome visitor to the studio!

If you want a question answered too, just send it to

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