
Howl, Wail, Bellow and Yowl 四种叫声

Could you tell me the difference between the words howl, wail, bellow and yowl? Thank you very much!

George, Chengdu, China

This week George asks us about four words that describe noises made by humans and animals.

To answer the question, Wang Fei once again opens the famous BBC FX cupboard. Listen to the programme to hear examples of the noises these words describe together with example sentences of the words in use.

Can you identify some of the sounds the words refer to by looking at the example sentences below?

A crying baby

A wailing baby

The dogs were yowling.

They collapsed into howls of laughter.

The wailing of the siren could be heard above the traffic noise.

The sergeant major bellowed loudly at the troops.

Remember, if you have a question you would like to ask our team, email us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.

We might make a programme about your question.

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