
American English Words: Home 美国英语词语: 家居

Hi BBC, I like your question and answer programme. I have a question too; Americans use different words from the British such as eggplant and aubergine, or fall and autumn. Could you make a summary? Thanks.

Simon from Nanjing

This is the third programme of the American English word series.

We have already looked at food, drink and clothes.

In this programme Yang Li looks at items around the house and compares the words used in American English and British English.

We will hear from Yvonne Archer who used to live America but now lives in the UK.

Listen out for the words that Yvonne uses when she describes her apartment.

花园,院子 yard

Men collecting rubbish

Are they dumping the garbage or the rubbish?

邮政编码 zip code

市中心 downtown

信箱 mail box

垃圾箱 garbage can

浴缸/澡盆 tub

秋天 fall

床头桌/柜 nightstand

成套的床上用品 comforter set

If you have a question you would like to ask our team, email us at questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.

We might make a programme about your question.

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