Fairy Tales 童话

Express yourself!

Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!



What's your favourite fairy tale? 你最喜欢的童话故事是哪个?

Witch from Narnia

Most fairy tales have an evil witch

This is what some people in London told us:

Most people love them. And three were mentioned: Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克与魔豆, the Princess and the Pea 豌豆公主 and The Three Billy Goats Gruff 三只公山羊.

Some people like the happy endings 幸福结局. But one man thought they might be patronising 恩人自居的,屈尊俯就对待(某人). They have many stereotypes 俗套.

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