Finance / Debt 金融 / 债务
Your score: 0/6
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Your score: 5/6
Your score: 6/6
1 : If you are declared bankrupt, __________. |
The possible answers were:
you have no money at all.
you have lots of money.
you have too much money.
you own a bank.
You said:
you have no money at all.
you have lots of money.
you have too much money.
you own a bank.
正确。如果你是 declared bankrupt 那就是说你在法律上宣布破产了。
答错了。如果你是 bankrupt 那么你就没钱了。
对不起,你错了。如果你是 bankrupt 那么你就没钱了。
选择错误。如果你是 bankrupt 那么你就没钱了, 也不可能拥有一家银行。
2 : Some banks offer you __________ facility with your bank account. This is a type of short-term loan. |
The possible answers were:
an online banking
a debit card
an overdraft
a savings
You said:
an online banking
a debit card
an overdraft
a savings
恭喜,答对了。An overdraft 就是短期的贷款,透支。
选择错误。银行提供 savings 储蓄的服务,让顾客存钱,这不是贷款服务的英语表达。请再想想。
错误。Online banking 是很有用的一项服务,不过它不是短期的贷款。
不对。 我们可以用 debit card 储蓄卡从银行账户里提款,但这不是短期的贷款。
3 : When you are ________, you owe a lot of money. |
The possible answers were:
in credit
in debt
You said:
in credit
in debt
不对。如果你是 in credit 这说明你在银行账户里有钱。To owe money 是欠钱的意思。
答对了。如果你是 in debt 那么你就是欠 owe 了银行或者其他人钱。To owe money 欠钱。
对不起,答错了。如果你是 loaded 这就是说你有很多钱。To owe money 是欠钱的意思。再想想。
不对。如果你被形容为 skint 那么你就是很穷,没钱, 但是这不代表你欠钱。To owe money 是欠钱的意思。
4 : Credit card companies will usually ________ on any purchases and withdrawals made with your card. |
The possible answers were:
charge you double
give you a commission
charge you interest
charge you nothing
You said:
charge you double
give you a commission
charge you interest
charge you nothing
不对。Credit card 公司不会收你消费双倍的钱。Credit card 就是信用卡。Double 双倍。
错了。 信用卡公司不会给顾客提成 give you a commission。
恭喜,答对了。信用卡公司一般会 charge you interest, 收利息。用信用卡买东西或者是取现金都会有利息 interest。
不对。 信用卡公司一般都会有一些收费,不可能免费给大家发信用卡。
5 : When you __________ a loan, you agree to borrow an amount of money and pay it back with added interest. |
The possible answers were:
take out
take in
give out
give into
You said:
take out
take in
give out
give into
回答正确。如果你接受了 accept 银行的贷款,那么你的行动就是 to take out a loan。A loan 一笔贷款。Agree 同意。
回答错误。 在这里,作为一个顾客你是从银行借钱,而不是给银行钱。
6 : It is important not to miss any __________ as it could affect your ability to borrow money in the future. |
The possible answers were:
meetings with your bank manager
opportunities to borrow more money
You said:
meetings with your bank manager
opportunities to borrow more money
不对。A statement 是银行对账单,显示了银行账号里的支出和收入。
答对了。贷款以后,那么每月必须偿还银行或者债主 lender 一定的金额,这就是 repayment。
错误。人们不应该随便借钱 borrow money,因为还钱不是件容易的事儿,如果不能按时还清,会造成很多麻烦。