Out of touch 与…脱节

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This cleaner can't quite reach mannequins on the top shelf of a beauty store in London. Photo by Dan Kitwood.


如果用 out of touch 来形容一个人的话那就说明此人已经与现实生活脱节了,这是一个有负面意思的短语。



The hair and beauty sector is doing well despite the harsh economic climate. Maybe people are treating themselves to some affordable luxuries!


You have no idea what music the kids are listening to now – you're totally out of touch!

The report showed that the police are out of touch with people's concerns about safety.

I think most celebrity chefs are just out of touch with ordinary people. I certainly don't have two hours to cook every evening!



I'm afraid I'm going to be out of touch for the next few days. I'm going walking in Scotland.

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