Watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过

A soldier of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery

A soldier of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery watches the world go by in Hyde Park. Photo by Oli Scarff.



The soldiers in this photograph are leaving Hyde Park after firing a 41-gun salute. This gun salute took place on 6 February 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of the ascension of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne. It is the official start of the celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.


Watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过


My sister loves sitting on her balcony. She sits there for hours watching the world go by.

I didn't read my book in the cafe. I was just watching the world go by.


另一个包含 'world' 一词的短语是 'to mean the world to someone'. 对某人来说极其重要。比如:

He really cares about his girlfriend. She means the world to him.

Thank you for helping me with my essay. It means the world to me!

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