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Transport Driving 交通驾驶
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1 : A lot of cars going very slowly or stopped is called a _______.
traffic island
traffic jam
traffic warden
traffic report
The possible answers were:
traffic island
traffic jam
traffic warden
traffic report
You said:
traffic island
traffic jam
traffic warden
traffic report
不对。A traffic report 是指路况信息, 告知你路上的拥堵状况。
不对。 A traffic island是指行人安全岛。
对了。A traffic jam是个非正式的用法, 指交通堵塞。
不对。A traffic warden 是监察车辆停放的工作人员。
2 : What is a circular junction like this one called in English?
A crossroads
A turning
A turnaround
A roundabout
The possible answers were:
A crossroads
A turning
A turnaround
A roundabout
You said:
A crossroads
A turning
A turnaround
A roundabout
对了。A roundabout是中心环岛。在英国,因为是左行,所有车辆在进入中心环岛时都要给予右边入口的车辆优先权。
不对。A turning是拐弯的意思。
不对。A crossroads 是指十字路口。
3 : People who drive into London on weekdays have to pay a fee. What is it called?
The congestion charge
The congestion price
The traffic charge
The traffic price
The possible answers were:
The congestion charge
The congestion price
The traffic charge
The traffic price
You said:
The congestion charge
The congestion price
The traffic charge
The traffic price
对了。Congestion 指交通拥挤,a charge 是收费的意思, congestion charge 是伦敦市长为缓解市中心交通拥挤的状况而推出的车辆进城费。
不对。Price 是价格的意思, 哪个词是收费的意思呢?
不对。这个固定表达方式里没用 traffic 这个词,price 是价格的意思,而不是收费的意思。
4 : What does this sign mean: Give Way? You might see this on traffic signs at a junction in Britain.
You need to stop completely.
Let other cars go first if they are coming from your right.
Slow down and let other cars at the junction go first. You may need to stop.
Other cars must stop for you.
The possible answers were:
You need to stop completely.
Let other cars go first if they are coming from your right.
Slow down and let other cars at the junction go first. You may need to stop.
Other cars must stop for you.
You said:
You need to stop completely.
Let other cars go first if they are coming from your right.
Slow down and let other cars at the junction go first. You may need to stop.
Other cars must stop for you.
不对。如果是停车的意思, 那路标就应是‘Stop’。
对了。Give way 不一定代表要停车,要视路况而定。迎面行驶车辆有优先权,所以你要慢行甚至于停车来 give way。
不对。 如果你需要 give way,就代表你给迎面行驶车辆有优先权。
不对。 这是英国交通规则中对进入中心环岛的车辆的驾驶规定。
5 : What is a zebra crossing and what should a car driver do if they see one?
It's a place where a railway crosses a road, and a car must stop if the lights are red.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, and a car must stop to let a pedestrian cross.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, but cars do not have to stop.
It's a place where animals cross the road.
The possible answers were:
It's a place where a railway crosses a road, and a car must stop if the lights are red.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, and a car must stop to let a pedestrian cross.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, but cars do not have to stop.
It's a place where animals cross the road.
You said:
It's a place where a railway crosses a road, and a car must stop if the lights are red.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, and a car must stop to let a pedestrian cross.
It's a place where pedestrians can cross the road, but cars do not have to stop.
It's a place where animals cross the road.
不对。Level crossing 是火车道口的意思。
对了。A zebra crossing 就是我们常说的斑马线, 也就是人行横道。
不对。 在人行横道前, 机动车应让行人先行。
不对。 不过在英国的乡间有时可看到“注意动物过街”的标识。
6 : Which of these has the fastest speed limit in Britain?
A dual carriageway
A residential road
A country lane
A motorway
The possible answers were:
A dual carriageway
A residential road
A country lane
A motorway
You said:
A dual carriageway
A residential road
A country lane
A motorway
不对。A dual carriageway是指双车道、双程分隔车道。 车速会因不同路段而变。
不对。Residential 是指居民区。 居民区周边的车速一般是每小时三十英里。
不对。A country lane 指乡间小路,路段大多狭窄, 所以车速会较低。
对了。在英国, 高速公路(a motorway)的限速是每小时七十英里。
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