Authentic Real English 地道英语
- Go the extra mile 要想成功 就多付出一点
- The boot is on the other foot 情况发生逆转
- Pull the plug 终止,结束
- In the doghouse 做错事受冷遇
- Chew the fat 闲聊
- Treading on eggshells 言行小心谨慎
- Take a rain check 改天吧
- Stumped 击杀出局 一筹莫展
- Skeleton in the closet 难言之隐
- Use your loaf 动动脑子
- To have a word 跟某人谈话
- Crystal clear 清清楚楚的
- Ginormous 巨大无比的
- Take the mickey 取笑某人
- Fishing for compliments 拐弯抹角谋求恭维
- Out of the picture 不相干的
- Cut to the chase 说话直截了当
- Have a ball 尽情狂欢