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United Clear at the Top 曼联稳坐榜首

Alex Ferguson consoles Arsene Wenger after the game
Wenger and Ferguson after the game
Manchester United are now six points clear 领先六分 of Chelsea at the top of the Premiership after a victory against Arsenal this weekend.

Manager Alex Ferguson says Manchester United can secure the Premiership title 稳获英超联赛头衔 – they can be winners of the Premiership this season – if they win their next two Premier League games against Blackburn and Chelsea.

Ferguson was delighted after the game saying "We've got over a nervous day. I thought it was a fantastic game, absolutely outstanding 非常棒的. You won't see a better game anywhere this season".

 We've got over a nervous day. I thought it was a fantastic game, absolutely outstanding. You won't see a better game anywhere this season.
Alex Ferguson, Manchester United Manager

It was a nervous day because they really wanted to win to ensure 确保 their place at the top of the league. When he says "we got over" he means the team survived the game and did well. "Outstanding" is another word for excellent.

Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor scored the first goal to put Arsenal in the lead 使阿森纳领先. Being one goal down 输一球 didn't deter 没有因失败而萎缩 Man Utd though. They beat the Gunners with goals from Cristiano Ronaldo and Owen Hargreaves.

Ronaldo's goal was the result of a penalty awarded to Manchester United after Arsenal's William Gallas handled 手球 the ball in the Gunner's box 在阿森纳的禁区内.

Ronaldo actually had to take the penalty twice though. His first kick was ruled out 被判无效 for encroaching 停顿太久. As he ran to take the penalty he hesitated 犹豫 slightly and the other players entered the penalty area. This is called encroaching and the referee made him take the kick again. Thankfully he scored both times giving Man Utd a point.

Tuck it Away
 Wasn't that some effort from Ronaldo to tuck it away second time around, with all that pressure? It was a fantastic penalty and he showed great courage and great ability to stick it away.
Alex Ferguson, Manchester United Manager

Manager Ferguson was full of praise 赞声连连 for his goal-scoring winger 边锋队员. "Wasn't that some effort from Ronaldo to tuck it away 射入球门 second time around, with all that pressure? It was a fantastic penalty and he showed great courage and great ability to stick it away 将球射入门中."

If you "tuck the ball away" it means you put it in the goal. Similarly "to stick it away" also means to put the ball in the net.

Keep Going
 This team is amazing. They keep going and I am so proud of all of them.
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal Manager

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger had to concede 承认 that his team were out of the title race 无缘联赛头衔. The race to be top of the Premier League at the end of the season is known as "the title race" and "to concede" means here, to admit you have lost a competition.

He believes his team played very well. "This team is amazing. They keep going and I am so proud of all of them." "To keep going" means to continue and here it implies 暗示 they continue trying regardless of 不顾,不管 defeat.

"In the last two months we have had a blip 小波动, but we have not had much luck either and you could see that again today. I believe this team is good enough to win things and our biggest target 目标 now is to keep the group together."

A Blip
 In the last two months we have had a blip, but we have not had much luck either and you could see that again today. I believe this team is good enough to win things and our biggest target now is to keep the group together.
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal Manager

"A blip" is a small change or interruption to a situation. He means that Arsenal, despite playing well recently, haven't managed to win many games, which Wenger is calling a blip.

He thinks their focus for now should be "to keep the group together" – to keep morale high 保持高昂的士气 as the season comes to an end.

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