A tough nut to crack 棘手的问题/难处的人

A coconut

Coconuts are delicious… but you have to open them first!


In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha - 'tree which gives all that is necessary for living' - because nearly all its parts can be used, the shell, flesh, water, milk, sugar and oil.

在古印度梵语中,椰子树是 kalpa vriksha,意思是“全部都能提供给生活所需的树”。椰子树几乎所有的部分都能被利用,椰子壳、椰子肉、椰子汁、椰奶、椰糖和椰子油。


当我们碰到难题时可以说 a tough(or hard) nut to crack – 特别难打开的坚果。这个表达也能用来形容一个难以对付或难理解的人。


My new boss is a tough nut to crack. I never know if he's pleased with my work.

How can we increase sales during a recession? That's a tough nut to crack!


表达 use a sledgehammer to crack a nut 用大锤来敲开一粒小坚果,实际意思是杀鸡用牛刀,小题大做。

The police sent five officers to arrest one teenage thief? That's really using a sledgehammer to crack a nut!

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