A window of opportunity 时机之窗

A Buddhist monk carries his robe as another looks out of the window of their monastery.

A Buddhist monk carries his robe as another looks out of the window of their monastery in Yangon, Burma. Photo: Damir Sagolj/Reuters


A 'French window' is actually a type of door, but one which has many small panes of glass so that it can let light through. As well as France, they are very common in Italy.

所谓“落地窗”在英语里就是 a ‘French window’, 是由很多小块玻璃镶嵌构成的,可以让光线通过。它们在法国和意大利都非常普遍。


英语中的 a window of opportunity 就是时机之窗的意思,指可以做某件事的一个短暂的时机。


I've got a window of opportunity to talk to my boss about a pay rise tomorrow.

Meet me in reception – there might be a window of opportunity for me to let you into the concert!

Sometimes a problem can actually be a window of opportunity.


Out the window 的意思是什么事情已经过去了,来不及了,不可能了

My computer crashed yesterday, so any chance of finishing my work is out the window.

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