Break the ice 打破僵局

Swimmer plunging into a frozen lake

A swimmer braves the ice in Beijing's Houhai Lake. Photo: Jason Lee/ Reuters


Hot water freezes faster than cold water. Ice can appear in nature as snowflakes, icicles, hail, frost, glaciers, pack ice, ice spikes and candles and polar ice caps.



To break the ice 就是见到陌生人时主动开口和对方攀谈,打破彼此生疏的僵局。


She said, "Here's a game that's guaranteed to break the ice at parties".

The room was silent, so he told a joke to break the ice.

Sometimes it's very difficult to break the ice with our new students because they are so shy.


如果你 put something on ice, 就是说你暂时把某事搁置一下,暂时“雪藏”,不立即进行处理。

We decided to put the project on ice for a while and concentrate on doing other things.

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