Culture vulture 文化秃鹰

A vulture

A King Vulture at a zoo in Panama City. Photo: AFP / Rodrigo Arangua


There are 16 different types of vulture. Many kinds have bald heads, without normal feathers, so they can feed on dead animals without getting dirty.



如果你对艺术、音乐或戏剧特别感兴趣,那么人们可能会把称为一个 a culture vulture 文化狂热分子。


William's going to see three exhibitions and a Beethoven symphony on Saturday. That guy's such a culture vulture.

Oh, give me the Arts section of that magazine. I'm a culture vulture; I need to know what's on at the moment.


注意,那些乘人之危牟取私利的人被称为 a vulture - 贪心的秃鹰。

People who lend the poor money with high interest rates are vultures.

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