To make a beeline for 直奔过去

A bee collects nectar from a sunflower

A bee collects nectar from a sunflower on a field in Switzerland. Photo: Reuters/ Arnd Wiegmann


Bees perform an essential role by moving pollen and nectar from one flower to another. They pollinate the flowers and trees, which means fruits and vegetables can be created and can grow.



如果你 make a beeline for 某人或某物,就是说你径直的快速向某人或某物那里去,直奔过去。


As soon as the concert is over, we should make a beeline for the car, because I don't want to get stuck in traffic.

The tired and thirsty travellers made a beeline for the bar.


如果你是 have a bee in your bonnet 并不是说真的有一只蜜蜂在你的帽子里,而是形容你为某事心烦意乱、坐立不安的心情。

John really has a bee in his bonnet about the environment. He's always talking about it.

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