Feeling blue 心情压抑

A mandarin fish in an aquarium at London Zoo

The mandarin fish, native to the Pacific, is very popular in the saltwater aquarium trade


Despite their popularity in the aquarium trade, mandarin fish are considered difficult to keep, as their feeding habits are very specific. They are also sometimes called psychedelic fish due to their unusual colouring.



短语 to feel blue 用来形容一个人感到悲伤,压抑。


I don't want to go out. Since my boyfriend left me I've been feeling blue.

Don't feel blue. Life is short, have some fun!


另一个短语 until you're blue in the face 意思是某人竭尽全力的花很长时间做某事,不过就算干到脸色发青也是白干。

You can talk until you're blue in the face. You are not my boss and I'm not going to follow your orders!

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