Junk mail 垃圾邮件

Letters being posted though a letterbox

Do you get a lot of junk mail?


In 2010 the British postal service, Royal Mail, delivered 1.7bn items of junk mail to homes around the country. That's 26 items for each person in one year.



Junk mail 垃圾邮件,指那些主动送上门的、没有用的广告信件。这个词也适用于电子邮件中的垃圾邮件。


Why does no one send me real letters anymore? All I ever receive is junk mail!

When I checked my email this morning there were 15 items of junk mail advertising all kinds of weird things.


另一个垃圾组合词是 junk food 垃圾食品,指那些不健康的快餐,比如汉堡、热狗等等。

I really need to stop eating so much junk food. I'm 2kg heavier than I was 2 months ago.

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