Hang in there 坚持下去

Extreme dancers hang from London's Millennium Bridge as part of the London 2012 Olympic Festival.

Extreme dancers hang from London's Millennium Bridge as part of the London 2012 Olympic Festival. Photo: Sang Tan


短语 to hang in there 意思是在困难的情况下忍耐一下,坚持下去。


These daredevil dancers were part of a series of 'extreme dance' events around London to celebrate the London 2012 Festival. The surprise events included dancers on bungee ropes hanging from the Millennium Bridge, and were supposed to represent a sudden explosion of energy appearing right out of the blue.



I know money is tight right now, but hang in there and it'll get better.

I'm desperate to know my exam results, but I'll just have to hang in there until they are published.


另一个短语 hang up 用来表示挂断电话的意思。

I can't believe Claire sometimes. I was in the middle of a conversation and she just hung up!

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