High-flyer 抱负极高的人

The Red Arrows perform an aerobatic display in Chatsworth, England.

The Red Arrows perform an aerobatic display in Chatsworth, England.


A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。



The Red Arrows are the Royal Air Force aerobatic display team. The trails of coloured smoke they leave in the sky are made by releasing diesel into the exhaust, which oxidises and leaves a trail of smoke. In this photo, dyes have been added to produce a blue and red colour.


Daniel is such a high-flyer. He's only 31 years old and he's already the financial director of the company.

My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world.


另外有一个短语 high-flown, 虽然拼写很像 high-flyer,但含义不一样,意思是夸张的,华而不实的。

He tried to seduce Katherine with high-flown language, but she wasn't impressed.

Peter has high-flown ideas about morality but he's never nice to me!

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