Hit out 抨击

South Korea's Kim Ha Na and Jung Kyung Eun playing in the women's double badminton match

South Korea's Kim Ha Na and Jung Kyung Eun play a shot during the women's double badminton match during the London 2012 Olympic Games. Photo: Adek Berry.


当你 hit out at 某人或某件事情时,意思是你在言论上抨击对方。


The Badminton World Federation has disqualified eight female Olympic doubles players for not using their "best efforts to win the match." The players appeared to try to lose the game in order to get an easier draw in the next round. The longest rally in the match between China and South Korea lasted four shots.



The MP hit out at the journalists who criticised the government's policy.

My friend hit out at everyone when she discovered she wasn't invited to the party.

The singer used her website to hit out at fans who had leaked her album early.


如果你 hit back at 某人,意思是反驳或回击某人。

The president hit back at the opposition's criticism of the budget by announcing that 10,000 new jobs would be created.

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