Just the ticket 正合我意

A collection of tickets

Old tickets at the London Transport Museum


The most expensive ticket ever sold for an Olympic event was for the London 2012 Games. The £2,012 ticket was for the Opening Ceremony, according to Guinness World Records. Cheaper tickets for the event were also available for only £20!



如果用 just the ticket 来形容某物,那就意味着这正是一个人所需要的东西,此物正合一个人的心意。


These boots are just the ticket for our walking holiday in the Alps.

Jane said my low-fat cake was just the ticket for someone who's on a diet.


另一个短语 big ticket items 用来指那些价钱昂贵的大件物品,比如汽车、洗衣机和电冰箱等。

Now the sales have started it's a great time to buy some big ticket items at a good price.

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