Knight in shining armour 救难英雄

British cyclist Sir Chris Hoy celebrates winning the London 2012 track sprint event

British cyclist Sir Chris Hoy celebrates winning a gold medal in the London 2012 track cycling men's sprint event. Photo: Sergey Ponomarev


A knight in shining armour 这个短语的传统意思是拯救少女的身着闪光盔甲的骑士。如今指帮人排忧解难的英雄人物。


Sir Chris Hoy became the most successful British Olympian of all time this week, after winning gold in the Keirin track cycling event. He has gained six Olympic gold medals over his career and was knighted in 2009 for services to sport.

克里斯霍伊爵士在获得本周凯林(Keirin)轨道自行车赛奥运金牌之后成为英国最成功的运动员,累计奥运金牌共六枚。 他在2009年被授予爵士称号,奖励他对运动的杰出贡献。


David came to help me when my car broke down - he's my knight in shining armour.

Thank you for bringing me that coffee - you're my knight in shining armour!

I just cannot get this computer to work. I need a knight in shining armour to come and fix it for me.


英语单词 knight 是盔甲骑士的意思,这个词的发音与英语中的黑夜 night 同样,需要特别注意。

During the dead of night, a knight rode into the castle to rescue the princess.

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