To sail through it 轻松通过

Xu Lijia crosses the finish line to win gold in the women's Laser Radial class

Xu Lijia crosses the finish line to win gold in the women's Laser Radial class at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Photo: Pascal Lauener.


如果你 sail through 什么事情,这就是说你轻轻松松,非常顺利地就完成了这件事情。


Chinese sailor Xu Lijia raced against three others in the medal race of the women's Laser Radial. She finished first, improving on her bronze medal from Beijing in 2008. The Laser Radial is sailed by a single, person and has a shorter mast and reduced sail area, allowing light sailors to manoeuvre the vessel in heavy winds.



My sister sailed through her exams and is looking forward to starting university.

Don't worry about your job interview, you'll sail through it.

We sailed through the traffic and arrived at the hotel ahead of schedule.


如果某人 sail close to the wind 意思就是他冒险行事甚至做几乎违法的事情。

I think that journalist sailed close to the wind with the comments she made about the NHS.

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